Quick Update on Martial History Team Status


This is Richard Bejtlich writing today. 

I wanted to offer a quick update on the status of Martial History Team

It's been about two months since the last post to the blog. I haven't had the focus to work on any dedicated, longer-form research for the team during the last few months. The primary reason is that in my spare time I've been working on the second volume of my latest cyber security project, shown in the image. I plan to finish that book this month, and then turn my attention to volume 3.

Working on that book is a project outside of my day job, which also involves cyber security.

While writing these books, I'm still reading martial arts history and research. I'm also producing regular social media content on the Martial History Team Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook pages. Thanks to Matthew Krueger, we also have a few new Martial History Team podcast episodes! Finally, in fits and spurts, I write book reviews for Martial Journal.

I've also been doing a bit more with my personal martial arts site, Martial Vitality.

I hope you are all doing well. Keep checking out our accounts for the latest!

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