Does the Budōshoshinshu Use the Term Jūdō?
Does the Budōshoshinshu use the term jūdō? Martial History Team member Matthew Krueger investigates. Introduction Richard Bejtlich recently posted a survey of samurai philosophy texts . In it he quoted from a section of the Budōshoshinshu as follows: “Beyond these, there are the many arts of archery, iaido [drawing the sword and cutting in one movement] and judo; and it is important that young warriors exert themselves day and night to learn these arts well." He then asked the question: “Note that I am not convinced the original text uses the term jūdō. It would be worth revisiting the original text to see the Japanese.” This is an important observation. I also highly doubt it. The Modern Japanese This is one of the few texts I do not have in the original archaic Japanese, but I do have a modern Japanese translation. A modern Japanese rendition of that sentence is as follows: 其の他、弓、鉄砲、居合、柔等という萬の武藝と共に、若い武士は朝暮の務めとして習い覚える様なのは尤もである。 Of this, the relevant section