
Showing posts from February, 2022

January 2022 Book Survey

 Welcome to the January 2022 book survey. Introduction In January 2022, I (Richard) continued my reading plan that prioritized print books that have been on my shelf for months, or years. This post describes a mix of print and digital books I read in January. Read on to separate the wheat from the chaff. A Complete Guide to Judo: Its Story and Practice, Robert W. Smith, 1958/1961 I bought A Complete Guide to Judo: Its Story and Practice  by Robert W. Smith strictly for the martial arts book bibliography at the end of the volume. I chose the hardcover, but in the two years since then, Amazon has released paperback and Kindle editions. The Kindle version appears to be a print replica, meaning it's a PDF wrapped in Amazon formatting. The hardcover is a reproduction of the 1961 third printing of the original Tuttle version. The book, beyond the bibliography, is a collection of material from other sources. I made the following notes on the contents. Page 29 begins with an arti...